With all the different fuel options out there, knowing which to choose can be difficult. If you own a wood-burning fireplace, you should only be burning wood in your appliance… That means no garbage, paper plates, plastic cups, or anything similar! Not only will this emit smoke and harmful toxins into the air, your fires will burn dangerously hot, as well.
When going to build your fire, you want to ensure that it lasts long, gives off little smoke, and produces strong heat. For the best results, try ash, beech, hawthorn, rowan, yew, or thorn. Other popular options are spruce, elm, birch, and maple. Any of these will produce a strong flame that you can enjoy well into the evening.
Hornbeam, cedar, hazel, pine, plum, cherry, and apple are all good choices, too. Find what you have the most access to and seek out the best options that are available in your area.
On that note, there are some types of wood that you should simply avoid altogether. These include alder, chestnut, fir, holly, and willow. These will produce poor heat output, will not last as long, and some cause creosote to accumulate quite quickly. Save yourself inspection costs, extra cleanings, and added stress by investing in logs that will work efficiently for your fireplace.
Use Seasoned Wood
Once you decide which type of wood you would like to burn, the next step is to find pieces that are well seasoned. If the logs are shorter, dark and split at the ends, lightweight, and smell less than fresh, you are likely getting an adequately seasoned piece of wood. Anything too fresh or green will not burn efficiently and will send up a lot of smoke as the fire tries to burn out the excess moisture.
If you are looking for the best possible results, try seasoning your own fuel! A little hard work goes a long way, and you definitely won’t regret your choice when you find yourself with great fires every time. To season your own wood, follow these guidelines.
- Stack the logs loosely, so they can ventilate properly.
- Never keep your pile on the ground, as mold could accumulate.
- If you are covering your stack, just place a tarp over the top to keep rain out. Never cover the sides.
- Choose a spot with optimum sun exposure and heat.
- Be patient! This process takes at least six months and may take even longer, depending on the type of wood you are using. Some hardwoods can take up to two years!
Count On Us
As always, count on the staff at Magic Broom Chimney Sweep for all of your fireplace and chimney needs. Between our wide array of services and professional attitude, you will quickly discover that there is no one better! Contact us today!