No matter what type of appliance you have or what type of fuel it requires, the CSIA remains firm on one fact: annual inspections and regular cleanings are important! When a sweep looks through your system and discovers it needs some extra work and attention before your burning season, it’s vital to follow up with their suggestions. These extra steps will keep your home and family safer, and they will ensure your system runs better for years to come, too.
Fortunately for folks throughout Southern Maryland, the certified crew at Magic Broom Chimney Sweeps can clean any and all of your appliances, no problem. Once we’re through, you can rest easier and enjoy your upcoming burning season to the fullest! It also ensures you won’t face bigger issues later on, such as chimney fires or excess deterioration.
All in all, investing in a cleaning now will save you a lot of time, money, and stress down the line, and we guarantee satisfaction when you count on our dependable crew. There’s no time to lose, so call now!
Why We’re The Team To Trust
Our CSIA trained and certified sweeps are highly knowledgeable when it comes to the design and functionality of various different fireplace styles and fuel types. Depending on the unit you have, the cleaning approach may vary, which is why you need to hire a crew who really knows their stuff! Whether you have a gas-fueled insert, a wood-burning stove, or something else, we’re certain we can help you out!
Have you invested in a pellet-fueled appliance? We can assist with that, too. Our 33-point pellet stove inspection and cleaning process cover all the bases, so you know you’re good to go at the end of it all. Contact our crew today to learn more about this process!
Call Now Before Fall Hits!
When we clean and inspect your chimney, we also check for any damages you may be facing. In these cases, it’s always better to address issues in the summer, before fall comes back around and cooler weather makes an appearance. Summertime lends ideal temperature ranges for allowing the materials we use to properly cure. If you put off necessary maintenance, you may end up stuck with a broken down chimney this holiday season! Call now to ensure you’re good to go for the cold months ahead.
Along with this, we get very busy in the fall so, even if no serious issues are present, getting us in for regular maintenance can be a bit of a challenge. We’ll do our best to work with your schedule and find a time that works well for you, but this simply cannot always be done once our books get full. By getting a hold of us now, while we’re a lot slower, you guarantee yourself less stress and overall hassle.
So, why wait any longer? Pick up the phone ASAP. We’re excited to work with you!