If you own a wood-burning fireplace, then it’s pretty obvious that sweepings and inspections are needed from time to time. With all that ash and soot, you’ll definitely want some professional help! But what about your gas appliances? If you own a gas fireplace or insert, you may be putting off your regular maintenance, thinking that these burn cleaner and neater… so, where’s the need?
The truth is, gas fireplaces need just as much attention from an expert as their wood-burning counterparts! Any fireplace, no matter the fuel type, should receive at least one inspection per year and failing to do so could put your home and family at a greater risk for harm. Learn more below, then give the CSIA certified staff at Magic Broom Chimney Sweeps a call today – we’re here to help you out!
Addressing Debris Build-Up
Just because your gas appliance burns more efficiently, doesn’t mean debris can’t build up inside of your flue or chimney. Toxins and gases are still being poured out through your chimney, and all of these substances can cause significant wear and tear throughout time! If you don’t address them, you’ll wind up facing a lot of expensive damages down the line.
The more things build up, the worse of your interior system will be, and the more your chimney will deteriorate. If too much crumbling and decay occur, your system will soon be clogged up with the bits and pieces of brickwork and mortar that continue to flake off. Clogs lead to improper airflow, which causes smoke and other toxins to back up into your home, where no one wants them. Get that inspection on the books, so you know you’re good to go this winter!
Avoiding Gas Leaks
Another problem you could be experiencing is gas leaks. If you have cracks or holes throughout your chimney system, gases (such as carbon monoxide) are given pretty easy pathways in which to enter your home. When loved ones inhale these toxins, some serious illnesses and health issues are triggered. And if these issues aren’t addressed right away, gas leaks can prove to be fatal! We highly recommend installing carbon monoxide detectors around your home as a safety measure.
It’s not worth taking any risks… ensure the safety of your home and family by calling in our expert and experienced staff today.
Ensuring Efficiency
If you’ve invested money into a fireplace system, then you want it to work well year after year. Owning a fireplace can help out a lot with your month-to-month bills, especially when temperatures start to drop. That being said, when things are not working as they should, you won’t get those top-of-the-line results you’re looking for. At Magic Broom, we believe that the communities we serve only deserve the best. Count on our staff to set you up right, and we guarantee you’ll be more than satisfied with your end results.
What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone today!