Are you are worried about the state of your chimney? If so, then it’s time you keep an eye out for potential repairs. A damaged chimney shouldn’t be used! The staff at Magic Broom wants you to have the freedom to light a fire whenever you’d like. Be on the lookout for the following issues, to ensure your chimney and fireplace stay in great condition.
Cracks In The Masonry
When masonry starts to crack and form holes, this is a clear sign that things are going south for your chimney. Cracks are caused by chimney fires, bad weather, the freeze/thaw process, water damage, and more. There are many reasons why your brickwork could be showing signs of wear and tear. So, having some diagnostics done will be your best bet before investing in repair services.
No matter what part of your chimney is breaking down, we can fix things up. Magic Broom staffs CSIA certified experts that specialize in a wide variety of repair services. Firebox rebuilds, chimney relining, crown repair, and damper installation are just a few of the many things we can offer to keep your masonry protected year after year. Turn to us today!
Are you noticing excess water in your fireplace or chimney? Then you need to schedule an inspection before things get worse. Water damage can lead to rot, rust, stains, clogs, and lots more! When moisture gets sucked into your brickwork, things can break down fast! That’s why you’ll want to call in a certified tech as soon as possible.
At Magic Broom, we have all of the tools and expertise necessary for repairing leaks and ensuring they don’t come back! We can fix a damaged crown, restore your flashing, and install or repair a chimney cap! Once that’s complete, we have waterproofing products we can apply, so that your masonry stays protected for years to come.
Crumbling Mortar
Are gaps forming in your mortar? Or maybe you’ve noticed that it’s starting to flake off easily? If this is the case, you could wind up facing some big issues down the line. Have a professional patch it up right away, so your chimney won’t face any more deterioration. Then, your chimney can stand strong for years to come!
The experts at Magic Broom can use their tuckpointing services to get your mortar looking as good as new. This is the practice of removing the old, crumbling mortar and replacing with fresh material. We take the time to ensure the new mortar matches the old, so your chimney looks streamlined and free from of gaps or holes.
Trust The Experts at Magic Broom!
We are passionate about chimney care, and we can’t wait to get yours back in tip-top shape. Please call us today to schedule your appointment, so we can ensure your fireplace is safe to use and looking great. We can’t wait to get started!