If you know anything about creosote, then you know it’s something you want to avoid at all costs. If this substance has started building up in your fireplace, it can usually be eradicated with a cleaning by a professional chimney sweep. That’s why annual inspections are so important! These visits allow sweeps to get a good look at your system and determine whether a not you are due for a cleaning.
Unfortunately, all too often, a simple job is turned into something time-consuming and difficult when homeowners neglect to invest in routine maintenance. When creosote hasn’t been removed as necessary, it builds up and hardens into a glossy coating, known as glazed creosote. It lines your chimney, making it dangerous to use, and it requires special tools and cleaning products in order to effectively remove it.
Luckily, the staff at Magic Broom is more than qualified to remove all of your glazed creosote! With the holidays coming up, you want your fireplace to run as efficiently and as safely as possible. Contact our staff today, and we’ll get an appointment set up right away!
Dangers Of Creosote Buildup
Creosote can be extremely harmful to your chimney’s structure. Additionally, it could put your home and family at risk, too. Knowing the facts about creosote, and just how damaging it can be, is important when you own a fireplace. Learn more below, then contact us to handle any and all of your fireplace and chimney needs!
The biggest concern with creosote accumulation is the increased risk of chimney fires. Creosote is extremely flammable. The more you have of it, the more likely you are to experience something more serious. Chimney fires weaken your chimney’s structure and cause a lot of damage, thus making your home more vulnerable every time you go to light a fire. As cracks form and bricks shift, fire can easily work its way to the rest of your home… it’s definitely not a risk you want to take!
What’s more concerning is the fact that chimney fires often occur unnoticed by the homeowner. This means, your home could be at risk without you even realizing it! This is another reason why investing in annual inspections and regular maintenance is so vital for ensuring your loved ones stay protected all year long.
And there’s no doubt that chimney fires lead to expensive repairs. You’re much better off investing in affordable inspections and cleanings, rather than pouring money into time-consuming repair jobs that could have easily been avoided. Your best bet is to call in a professional from the start and gain the peace of mind you deserve while you use your fireplace system. Pick up the phone now – our qualified staff is ready to help you out!