Chimney odors tend to become common this time of year as temperatures rise and the air is more humid. We get tons of calls from homeowners asking how they can get rid of these bad smells and keep them away for good. Well, we have some solutions that have proven themselves time and time again! Learn more below, then contact us so that we can help you out today.
Schedule A Cleaning
First of all, now would be a great time to schedule your annual chimney cleaning. With these unfavorable odors becoming more prominent, you’ll want to get rid of as much creosote and other debris as possible. Additionally, negative air pressure is more common this time of year. That means drafts come down your chimney, bringing bad odors in with them.
Removing creosote will help reduce odors, and it will keep your chimney safer for regular use, as well. No to mention, when you schedule your cleanings and repairs in the spring (as opposed to the busier fall season) we are more available to get your services in fast and at a time that’s more convenient for you. Call today!
Install An Energy-Top Damper
Another great option for keeping out bad odors is to have an energy-top damper installed. Many homeowners have throat dampers in their fireplaces, as these were always the go-to option when it came to constructing a chimney. Yet, energy-top dampers have become more and more popular as people realize their many benefits.
Energy-top dampers will keep drafts from swooping down your chimney, thus preventing these odors from entering your home. They are placed at the top of your flue, so you stay protected, no matter the weather outside! Also, these devices are known for lowering energy bills in the wintertime, as they prevent cold air from settling at the bottom of your chimney.
Have Your System Inspected?
The CSIA recommends scheduling a chimney inspection at least once per year. You’ll want to have your system inspected so that any bad odors can be detected and taken care of as soon as possible. While these smells are typically caused by drafting issues, there could be other problem amidst, such as water damage or odors from rotting animals.
When water builds up and pools, it causes musty smells to occur. It can also trigger clogs and other issues that cause your entire chimney system to suffer, as a whole. And when animals enter your chimney system and cannot escape, this will eventually lead to terrible smells and even pest infestation – not good at all!
Call Us To Help!
Call on the staff at Magic Broom Chimney Sweep today! We want to help – contact us now!