
How To Avoid A Chimney Fire

The number one priority for homeowners is keeping their home and family as safe as possible. If you own a fireplace, knowing the proper ways to avoid chimney fires is vital. While many chimney fires are loud and obvious, there are a surprising number that occur...

Choosing The Right Firewood

With all the different fuel options out there, knowing which to choose can be difficult. If you own a wood-burning fireplace, you should only be burning wood in your appliance… That means no garbage, paper plates, plastic cups, or anything similar! Not only will this...

Test Your Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector Today!

Fireplace or not, every home should be equipped with a smoke and carbon monoxide detector. These devices save countless lives every year and often serve as the first warning sign of danger within the home. If you have a gas fireplace, your risk of fire, smoke...

Enjoy Family Fun By The Fireplace

Enjoy Family Fun By The Fireplace

Creating special moments with family is important to do. With the holidays upon us, now is the time to gather everyone together. You will be happy you did it and will find yourself with great memories that you cans reflect on for years to come. If you own a fireplace,...

We Can Install Your New Fireplace

We Can Install Your New Fireplace

Between the bright glow, the crackling fire, and the extra warmth it adds to a room, there is no doubt that a fireplace offers a welcoming aesthetic to any home. If you have recently purchased a new fireplace, or if you plan to purchase one in the near future, then...

Schedule Your Annual Inspection Now

Schedule Your Annual Inspection Now

Fall is finally here! Leaves are on the ground, the weather is getting crisp, and people everywhere are gearing up for the upcoming holidays. With all the hustle and bustle going on, it’s easy to forget to schedule your annual fireplace cleaning and inspection. If you...

Repair Your Leaky Chimney!

Repair Your Leaky Chimney!

A leaky chimney is about more than just an inconvenience; water can damage delicate interior fireplace components, lead to mold or mildew growth, and even compromise the structural integrity of your chimney. Whether dampness in the firebox, rust on the damper, or the...

How To Hire A CSIA Chimney Sweep

How To Hire A CSIA Chimney Sweep

While maintaining your chimney is important, finding a quality, knowledgeable, and trustworthy chimney sweep is often more difficult than a simple Google search. Before hiring a chimney sweep, homeowners should check to see if they are CSIA certified; this...

Why A Chimney Sweep Is So Important

Why A Chimney Sweep Is So Important

We rely on our chimneys to burn safely and efficiently year after year. However, even well functioning chimneys need regular maintenance; an annual chimney sweep is the best thing you can do for your chimney system. Not only will a sweep leave your chimney cleaner and...