There’s no denying the warmth and ambiance a fireplace adds to any home. That being said, some homeowners just don’t have the time, money, or available space to have a masonry unit installed. Fortunately, prefabricated fireplaces are becoming more and more widespread,...
There’s A Reason Our Chimney Inspections Are Mandatory
Whenever Magic Broom Chimney Sweeps comes out for a service, a mandatory inspection is performed. Many wish to have their repairs or sweepings done without this step, but unfortunately that would go against our standards of excellence. We work with reputable...
Check Out Our Wide Selection Of Fireplaces, Stoves & Inserts
If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a new fireplace, stove, or insert, there are many things to consider. Some of the key things to consider are design/style, size, and fuel type. First, you’ll need to decide which type of appliance you would like in your home....
We Offer a Variety Of Repair Services For Your Chimney & Masonry
Have you been putting off some chimney and masonry repairs? Well, wait no longer! Fall is only weeks away, and soon, temperatures will start to drop. This means that the time to get our professional team on the job is now. Most of the products we use need to cure in a...
Ensure Your Chimney Is Running Properly: Have It Swept and Inspected
In the summer months, homeowners typically see less of a need for building fireplace fires. Getting your entire system up and running seems like a bit of a waste when we are already experiencing sunny days and warm nights, and it’s more common to run the air...
Let Us Clean Your Stove Or Fireplace
No matter what type of appliance you have or what type of fuel it requires, the CSIA remains firm on one fact: annual inspections and regular cleanings are important! When a sweep looks through your system and discovers it needs some extra work and attention before...
Invest In Repairs Before Our Peak Season
Have you been noticing some deterioration throughout your chimney and fireplace? Or maybe things weren’t running quite as efficiently as normal last burning season, and you’ve been meaning to get that checked out… With summer upon us, it’s easy to put off fireplace...
How Can I Get Rid Of Terrible Chimney Odors?
Summertime means hotter days, and your chimney is most likely not in use right now. However, chimney maintenance is still important. At Magic Broom, we get a lot of calls about chimney odors from our customers here, especially in the summer. The stink usually comes...
Experiencing Chimney Leaks? Let Us Help
Some rain storms have hit and - oh no - your chimney now leaks all over! This is obviously less than ideal, and it can lead to some very serious and dangerous problems down the line. Fortunately, if you call now, you can get things fixed up fast while the weather is...
Yes, Your Chimney Needs Parging!
There are a lot of parts to your chimney, and we realize it’s hard for homeowners to stay up-to-date on their condition. This is especially true for parts that are hidden from sight, like the smoke chamber. Luckily, this is what our team of professional chimney sweeps...